Voluntary Hazing Interview with Dan and EMily
/Dan and Emily chat with members of Voluntary Hazing and get to the bottom of this whole “Eat a Reed” business in advance of their show at Art Boutiki on March 22nd.
Dan and Emily chat with members of Voluntary Hazing and get to the bottom of this whole “Eat a Reed” business in advance of their show at Art Boutiki on March 22nd.
The World's Only Live Music Venue Inside A Comic Book Store.
PATREON is a crowd-funding site of a different sort that allows people to support the efforts of creators who have some sort of ongoing project. For as little as $1.00 per month you can put money to our continuing efforts to provide a quality, all-ages live music venue and event space to the Silicon Valley. Click the Become a Patron below and pledge your ongoing support. Pledge at $5.00 or more per month and get listed our Patreon page.
Parking map
There is no way to sugarcoat it, parking is tough at Art Boutiki. There are a couple of public lots along the Alameda that you can use as well as street parking. While we would prefer that you did not park in the residential areas if you do choose to do that please be respectful of our neighbors and their property.
The Art Boutiki
44 Race Street San Jose, CA 95126 • 408-971-8929 • kahuna@artboutiki.com