Happy New Year and Good Riddance!

First some housekeeping news. All of the remaining 2020 live-streamed shows have been canceled and will be rescheduled for a later date. Our next live stream will be on Wednesday, January 6th when The DTs return for another night of Americana, Folk, and other cool music. This will be a FREE show, tickets required which you can reserve HERE.

For those of you who have not seen one of our shows, we are making our archives visible on Youtube for all to see. Check them out, there is something for everyone. You should be watching these on something other than your phone and through a good set of speakers at minimum. Our live-streamed shows are a five-camera, full HD quality video and professionally mixed audio (you already know how good music sounds at Art Boutik so expect nothing less than that). Our team here has gone to great lengths to bring you a stellar streaming experience. Check out the videos HERE.

2020 was a shitshow as you all know. We did our best t make the best of it, but yeah suck city. I know lots of folks are in similar spots now, scraping to get by and no end in sight. I am going to ask, actually kind of BG, that if you have the means that you drop some money Art Boutiki’s way, either by shopping for shirts in our online store, supporting us with a monthly donation on Patreon, leaving a donation to Art Boutiki during one of our live streams or lastly just sending us a direct donation.

Yes, you are burned out and tired of hearing this not just from me but from every small business out there. Hell, I’m tired of talking about it too and to be honest I sometimes feel like this is just not worth the fight. But nobody really gets into this business for the money and if we were going to close we would want to have had it been on our own terms and not because of this shit.

So, donate if you can. Check out the live-streamed archives and lets all keep our fingers crossed for next year.

Thanks for all of your support